Weekly Dispatch w/e 23rd June


My Weekly Dispatch

Time to catch up on what's been happening this past week, and see what's coming up.

Hello Reader, I've still got my cough and not sleeping. It's been 3 weeks now and I've had enough. If you have any tips for sleeping through the night when you've got a stupid cough, feel free to let me know what they are!

My third week had me arriving at Aberdesach Beach on the 19th, and reaching the 40% marker yesterday, saving the ocean from another 10 plastic bottles! πŸ’™

So, what has happened since last we spoke? Let me tell you...

My cover went live yesterday - did you see it? I love it because everything on it has meaning for the story and the series as a whole. I can't wait to see all of the books lined up! But that will have to wait as I need to finish the edits on Terrwyn before I can start on Macsen's story.

I'm still hoping for an early July release but I'm waiting for my CP to get back to me with his comments before I can give a date. πŸ’™


Escape from Pretoria

It was #FamilyMovieNight for Mr Shep and me last night. Adopted Daughter was here for a sleepover so they watched Practical Magic (fantastic film!!!) upstairs, while we watched Escape downstairs.

It seems completely unreal that a wooden key could be used, but being as this was based on a true story, it's obvious it was! I don't think my nerves would have coped in that situation though, and I would probably have just stayed there.

A brilliant film with great actors and a story that needs to be heard.

Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire de la Sorbonne, Paris

This centuries-old library is part of the famous Sorbonne at the University of Paris. Originally built in the 18th century, it's now one of the largest libraries in Paris, with two million volumes on various subjects, especially history, geography, philosophy, and French literature. The Saint-Jacques Reading Room is a particularly beautiful part of the library, with rich wood walls and mint green and cream colors.

What are you up to? Do you have any special plans or events coming up? Let me know if you fancy sharing.

If you want daily updates, don't forget to join my FB group - Morgan's Musings.

Don't forget to check the book below - another new release from the #FaRo Authors! Until next week...

Take care and have fun! πŸ’™

Eternity is a long time to wait for the other half of your soul.

The year is 1846 and the streets of London a dangerous place for a human…

Once Gabriel was whole; a magnificent being with one purpose. But when his kind was torn in two, punishment for their disobedience, he would never be the same. After millennia have passed with only half his soul, bitterness threatens to consume him. That is until one fateful night when destiny takes an unexpected turn. As Gabriel contemplates his despair, a revelation emerges offering a glimmer of hope.
Faced with a future he never imagined, Gabriel must decide if he will succumb to his darkness or find redemption in the light.

Light is a Prophecies of Angels and Demons Novella, intended to be read between Book 2 - Grave Prophecies, and Book 3 - Grave Revelations, but can also be read as a stand-alone story.

Morgan Sheppard, Author

Originally from the United Kingdom, Morgan Sheppard now resides in Germany, although she freely admits to having left part of her heart in Wales. Whilst a writer mainly in the fantasy genre, Morgan is more than happy to share her love of reading amongst the many different genres out there, and can always be found with a book close by.

Read more from Morgan Sheppard, Author

My Monthly Dispatch Time to catch up on what's been happening this past month, and see what's coming up. Hello Reader. How's life been treating you? As you may have seen or noticed, I've changed my newsletters from weekly to monthly. After doing a poll in Morgan's Musings, it was decided to do one at the beginning of the month... so here we are. πŸ’™ So, what has happened since last we spoke? Let me tell you... Feathers and Foxes is going along nicely, with a few reviews coming in. It's also on...

My Weekly Dispatch Time to catch up on what's been happening this past week, and see what's coming up. Hello Reader. How's life been treating you? I did something today I haven't done in many a year and went to church. It's all down to Little Pud exploring her options and me supporting her however I can. After a major run-around, I'm off to the opticians on Tuesday to order my new glasses. I'm hoping that within 10 days or so, I'll be able to see again and therefore start Macsen's story. Keep...

My Weekly Dispatch Time to catch up on what's been happening this past week, and see what's coming up. Hello Reader, sorry I missed last week! Remember that stomach bug I told you about? Yeah, well, it turned out to be a GERD flare-up, not a bug, and it laid me low all weekend. I can't really say I enjoyed my lazy weekend, what with feeling like death warmed up and then having all the chores I usually do at the weekend waiting for me on Monday! It's calmed down a little now, although it's...